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The LRIC Model
The LRIC Model is a generic bottom-up cost model for fixed line telecoms networks, based on the Long Run Incremental Cost methodology.Bottom-up LRIC models are used to establish efficient costs in telecoms price regulation. Recommended by the European Commission as the preferred costing methodology for EU member states, LRIC models have been adopted not just in Europe but in countries across the world. Their use has spread from national regulators to incumbents and alternative operators, enabling these organizations to understand the cost base of an efficient network operator. This is vital in today’s highly competitive telecoms markets, where prices are under constant pressure from National Regulatory Agencies, wholesale customers and end users shopping around for the best deal on offer.
Traditionally, LRIC models are developed by teams of experts over many months, even years. Their development can consume vast resources. These can only be justified where such models are commissioned by major NRAs and dominant operators, limiting access to this powerful costing tool to a small number of users. The LRIC Model is a radical new concept designed to make LRIC cost modelling less exclusive.
- The LRIC Model is a generic bottom-up cost model for fixed line telecoms networks
- It has been developed for the needs of regulatory agencies, fixed line incumbents, alternative operators and new entrants
- It can be adapted to any country or region
- It covers the latest IP network technology for the Core Network and a definable mix of legacy copper, FTTC and full FTTH in the Access Network
- It incorporates recent regulatory developments, such as the Pure LRIC EU ruling on wholesale termination charges.
In March 2014, BWCS will host a major new Conference - Next Generation Access 2014 (www.Nextgenaccess2014.com).
This will be the first conference to concentrate on the issues facing operators and regulators in the vital roll-out of super/ultra high speed broadband to homes and businesses. It will gather together experts from all over the world to discuss the battleground of the last mile connection and what rules should cover this hugely important sector.
The conference will be dominated by presentations from the real participants and law-makers. Find out more from Ross Parsons